Mint (Cormint)
Mint essential oil
Cosmetic action
▫️has a beneficial effect any type of skin condition, thanks to the menthol included in its composition
▫️refreshes, cleanses, improves complexion and removes traces of fatigue and improves sleep
▫️cares for oily skin, tightens pores and regulates greasiness
▫️suitable for problem skin, fighting such imperfections of the epidermis as acne, redness, dermatitis
▫️protects sensitive skin from external factors
▫️shows its anti-couperous abilities, reducing the vascular pattern
▫️relieves muscle tension
▫️provides early healing of burns, accelerating the regeneration of skin cells
Psycho-emotional action
▫️restores physical and emotional strength
▫️energizes and rejuvenate
Domestic use
▫️suitable for indoor air disinfection
▫️has a repellent effect against midges and flies
▫️used for wet cleaning and disinfection of premises
Precautionary measuring
Do not use during pregnancy; and breastfeeding, for children under 7 years old; do not apply to the skin under the eyes. Do not use during allergies, bronchospasm, use with caution in case of allergetic hay rhinitis. Do not use with homeopathic medicines. Check for individual intolerance.
Storage condition
Store in tightly closed bottles, protected from direct sunlight, out of reach of children, at temperatures 5C to 25C
Country of origin of raw materials